Research / Sequencing & Assembly | Istituto di Genomica Applicata

Sequencing & Assembly

IGA participates in several plant genomes sequencing projects.

We contributed to the sequencing and assembly of the reference genomes of grapevine, peach, citrus, olive, coffee, barley and Norway spruce.

We moved from genome assemblies with traditional Sanger sequences (i.e. grapevine, peach, barley) to large genome assemblies from long-read sequencing technologies (i.e. olive, coffee). Development of proprietary algorithms and bioinformatic pipelines has accompanied this transition.

Now, we routinely use long-read technologies for assembling genomes of uninvestigated species or specific accessions and for reconstructing pan-genomes as well as short-read NGS in species in which the first individual genome had already been assembled for analyses of genetic divesity.